Moday 26 of January 2009

Our day is full of activities. We woke up to the frozen morning of Potsdam. The grass is cover with ice and the sky today is gray. A differnt view of our Sky in Israel. After a nutritive breakfast we started with warming up activities. We talked about yesterday groups presentation which gave us a picture how a daily life of other students look like. We splet into four original groups and tried to discover what we really know about the others groups. We were asked about theirtraditions, history, coutries data, etc... The groups found out that they alray know a lot about one other, but still...there´s lot to discover. Then we were split again into small but mxed group and tried to build new parent groups definding our new identity. Each group build masks from cement for the groups presentation. Following our daily schedule: 09:00 -> Breakfast 10:00 -> Warming Up Activities 11:00 -> Feedback to yesterday film 11:30 <-> 13:00 What do I know about my partners? 13:00 -> Lunch 14:00 <-> 15:00 Fillng ID Cards 15:00 -> Games 15:30 <-> Identity Cards Workshops with mix groups of five people each 19:00 -> Lunch